Monday 1 November 2010

Xbox 360 VS Playstation 3

The big two, rivals from birth. Now each of them have their pros and cons. Lets go through Xbox First.


PROS: Great Online, Best exclusive games, Xbox Live, Sweet online features (Sky TV etc.)

CONS: RED RING OF DEATH! Needs alot of care, doesn't come with HD cables.


PROS: Great HD Video, Free online play, Very reliable, Don't break often

CONS: Awful Online gameplay, No (good) exclusives, Bad online features.

You decide...



  1. why do u say the ps3 has awful online gameplay??? I only have online gameplay issues if I'm playing on a laggy connection or my connection is having trouble.

  2. It's nice to know the pros and cons comparing these two gaming systems. This is really interesting, and very helpful for anyone thinking about buying. Which one do you prefer?

  3. I prefer 360. But really, you can't judge the PS3 too badly. How do you know it has bad online play when it doesn't even have any games? OH!
