Monday 17 January 2011

Technology in the Future

The way i see Technology going in the future is more towards the direct of Extreme Realism kind of the way that the movie "The Gamer"'s technology is. No I'm not suggesting that I think that the United States prison system will become bankrupt, only to be saved by a young entrepreneur advocating an alternative through the form of a video game that allows people from the outside world to control a death row inmate in a virtual war world that's only escape is to reach level 30 while that's actually impossible to reach because of loop holes in the system that allow inmates not controlled by a player to partake, even though in actuality its all irrelevant because it's all a secret plot to take over the world through the use of the micro chips that the gamer uses to control his inmate. NO. That's not happening. But I think the point of extreme realism in games and the want for a more realistic gaming experience is driving new innovations. Look at the Xbox kinect for example, it tracks the movements of the user and replicates them in the game. That's a lot like the system in Gamer. So who knows. Just so long that we don't allow egotistical maniacs named Castle to take over the majority of the United States economy and plant microchips into the minds of the public, everything is looking to be advancing for the better.  =)

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