Monday 17 January 2011


You heard right the most awesome thing ever invented (FIFA Ultimate Team) is now available in Madden... FOOOOOTBALL 11. What does that mean? That means you get to make a sweet ultimate team like in FIFA but 1. You can tackle people with them. 2. You get the likes of Bret Farve, Darren Sharper, Greg Jennings, BRIAN URLACHER, and more. 3. IT'S FOOTBALL. Essentially (despite the fact I've never played it) it sounds like the coolest thing ever. Much like FIFA 11 Ultimate Team there is team chemistry ratings etc. and it's free! 

Rating (probably) 100/10

Go get it and tell me how it is

Technology in the Future

The way i see Technology going in the future is more towards the direct of Extreme Realism kind of the way that the movie "The Gamer"'s technology is. No I'm not suggesting that I think that the United States prison system will become bankrupt, only to be saved by a young entrepreneur advocating an alternative through the form of a video game that allows people from the outside world to control a death row inmate in a virtual war world that's only escape is to reach level 30 while that's actually impossible to reach because of loop holes in the system that allow inmates not controlled by a player to partake, even though in actuality its all irrelevant because it's all a secret plot to take over the world through the use of the micro chips that the gamer uses to control his inmate. NO. That's not happening. But I think the point of extreme realism in games and the want for a more realistic gaming experience is driving new innovations. Look at the Xbox kinect for example, it tracks the movements of the user and replicates them in the game. That's a lot like the system in Gamer. So who knows. Just so long that we don't allow egotistical maniacs named Castle to take over the majority of the United States economy and plant microchips into the minds of the public, everything is looking to be advancing for the better.  =)

Thursday 16 December 2010

The best Gagdet EVUR

THE BAGGER 288 (Excavator 288). OMG. LOOK AT IT. IT'S HUGE. What it's used for it to excavator coal and to dig trenches but really LOOK AT IT. It is the largest land vehicle in the world weighing 13,500 tons. Now you may be saying, "Ehhh no that's not a gadget blah blah blah," no, it is, be quiet. If this doesn't win you over then maybe this will!
Also, if the supply of coal runs out, we could use it for entertainment and watch it break things! Everyone loves breaking things! Overall it's a versatile, massive, and totally awesome gadget. I win. Game over.

Sunday 28 November 2010

FIFA 11 Ultimate Team

Now I know this has been out for quite some time but I haven't devoted a blog post to it so i thought now would be a joyous time to do so. Ultimate Team is by far my favourite part of FIFA and it has been since the days of FIFA 09. FIFA Ultimate Team is a DLC for FIFA that allows you to create your ultimate football squad (hence the name Ultimate Team). You start off with one pack that gives you an all bronze (lowest level) starting line up, subs bench, and reserves. With this team you can play in Tournaments or in freindly matches to get FIFA Coins to buy better players, contracts, managers, staff, kits, balls, stadiums, and crests for your team. Although you may be thinking, "Uhhh this is just like manager mode/ career mode isn't it?" No not at all that is in fact an ignorant statement. With this your team is not only about getting the best possible players, but it is also about getting players that play well together with something called Team Chemistry. Team Chemistry not only is a great way to determine what players to buy, it makes you're players play better together!
This, for example, was my FIFA 10 Ultimate Team (yeah it's pretty much amazing). Do note how my chemistry is awful. The reason behind this was that I thought meh I might as well spend all this money I accumulated on the best players I can afford. Now sure enough I didn't lose many games with this team but still there were a few teams that were not as good as mine that barely beat me because of thier chemistry.

Meanwhile THIS team is the German National team and is my current FIFA 11 team. It has a team chemistry of 100 most likely because most of them (excluding Ozil and Khedira) play in the German Bundesliga and I have the German manager Loew. So essentially this team is better not only in rating, but in chemistry as well which can be the difference between a win and loss.
FIFA 11 Ultimate Team is FREE and available for Download (Xbox Live required)

10/10 Enjoy

Sunday 21 November 2010

Call of Duty Black Ops

Yes it's here,
Some say its the best COD game ever made, some say its Garbage. Let's run through some features!

-Wager Matches!
-Zombies are back!
-Customization TO THE XTREME!!!
-Awesome new weapons! (Ballistic Knife, Crossbow, Tomahawk)
-Brand spanking new campaign!

Ok so the coolest part about this game has got to be the weapons. So essentially what is going on is you are a Black Op soldier during the Cold War and this is you're untold story. And throughout the game you are equipped with a Crossbow that shoots bolts that EXPLODE people. Yes they blow up. It's awesome. Not to mention you're Ballistic Knife which is a normal ol' knife but WAIT you can shoot it! Who would've guessed. And then instead of the popular throwing knife of Mw2 you get a Throwing Tomahawk AKA a throwing knife but cooler.

The other features are great as well but I don't want to spoil anything for any readers.

All in all 9.34 / 10

Monday 1 November 2010

Xbox 360 VS Playstation 3

The big two, rivals from birth. Now each of them have their pros and cons. Lets go through Xbox First.


PROS: Great Online, Best exclusive games, Xbox Live, Sweet online features (Sky TV etc.)

CONS: RED RING OF DEATH! Needs alot of care, doesn't come with HD cables.


PROS: Great HD Video, Free online play, Very reliable, Don't break often

CONS: Awful Online gameplay, No (good) exclusives, Bad online features.

You decide...